passengers have visited since Aug. 2003
Flight Records


 さらに翌日、会社の若いモン(仮に名前を佐藤としておきます)が、この本知ってますか、と言って持ってきたのが、「月刊エアライン」の7月号でした。雑誌そのものの興味もさることながら、ひときわボクの興味を引いたのが、特別付録の「マイ・フライト・ログブック」でした。これさえあれば、今後の旅がすべて記録に残せる! そして、これをネタに、ボクには久々にホームページを更新する意欲が湧いてきたのでした。



It was probably when I was 15 years old that I took an airplane for the first time in my life. I was totally astonished when I saw a Jumbo-Jet at Chitose airport and I really wondered if the object was able to fly.

It, however, took 6 years till I took an airplane next time.
In this regard, my history as airline traveller started when I took the flight, JAL016, for Vancouver from Narita airport in 1988.
Since then, I have visited all of 47 prefectures in Japan and more than 100 countries in the world. But I do not remember I have taken which airline of which company in which coutnry... I have no way to remember them, as I have not recorded. In fact, air planes are just a mean of transportation for me as subways are.

June, 2003...
Suddenly I was baptised...
I found an old boarding pass in the business book which I happened to take out from my bookshelf. It says like "Air China, Borading Pass, ULN"... I do not know why it does not mention any seat number on it.
Judging from the term "ULN", the boading pass seems to be the one I used when I visited Mongolia. Actually I visited the country quite often in early 90's. The almost illegible stamp on it may be read as "August 03, 1993".
While I tried to remember why I put this boarding pass in the book, it was impossible. I might have used it just as a bookmark. But, if so, I can not help considering why I read the book when I often visited Mongolia...
On the very next day, a young collegue of mine, Mr. Sato (Pseudonym), brought a magazine called "Monthly Airline, July". I was attracted by "My Flight Logbook", which was the bound-in supplement", much more than the magazine itself. I thought I would be able to record every air trips in the future. And I am starting this site to keep such records digitally.

While I guess that I will never clarify all the past flight logs, I will try to keep my past and future flight logs in this website.

July, 2003

The Way AONORI Sees IT

The World According to Pancho de AONORI